
We have jsut completed 3 months open....wow! Haven't quite covered operating costs yet with sales, but in June we begin our business shower and start pushing Moakia out to the world!
Exciting learning curve 👨‍🎓 (might leave this statement up here for a while 😁)
The last three months have been very productive with some tweaking to the store layout and getting some coding issues fixed to ensure all is working for you, the customer.
Below is the breakdown of how profits and allocations will be presented. The tables will be updated every week (Monday) and the end of the month will be the final update for what we have available to go out on the streets and pass on your goodness and kindness.

Allocation of profit for doing good in June

Total profits (less business costs) .......... $0.00
Profits allocated for doing good .......... $0.00
Percentage allocated for doing good ........ 0%
- Plus -
Money rolled over from last month ....... $0.00
Total money for doing good ................... $0.00
So how have we been doing good things with your purchases... Below is the current breakdown of how we will show where the money has been spent and what we have left to continue doing good things for good people, on your behalf.

Status of money that is doing good

Money spent on food .................. $0.00
Money spent on clothing ........... $0.00
Money Spent on medical ............. $0.00
Amount of money remaining ............... $0.00
Percentage of money spent ..................... 0%
So let us know what you think and if you have any ideas, likes or concerns we are always open to suggestions.












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